Saturday 31 March 2012

A Group Effort

A Group assignment by Ankita Sharma, Manu Chaudhary, Saumya Sinha and Sneha Deodhar


The theme I have chosen for the white T shirt styling is ‘Rugged’. The white T shirt has been paired up with blue torn denims to give a fashionable yet rugged look. A rope has been tied to depict – ‘tame the wild’ concept. The makeup is nude and black smoky eyes have been given to compliment the rugged look. No lip colour has been used. The styling is to depict an untamed rugged who does not follow the rules of society and wants freedom from the social caste and customs. The idea is to promote the freedom and willingness to break the rules. All the people who do not fit into the society seek solace in rebel. The rugged look clearly portrays the defiance through the torn jeans and t shirt which is mudded. The hair has been kept undone and is not neat.  The centre theme being inappropriate/misfit in the society. The fierce expressions clearly define the unwillingness to accept the rules and norms of a civilised society. One has to overcome the pressure and go against the normal to bring about a change. The styling has been done keeping in mind the psychology behind the rebel. 

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Tuesday 27 March 2012

It is all about your attitude

According to psychology, our mind controls our body. A healthy mind can live a beautiful life surrounded with happiness. A person wants to seek happiness through different approaches to make the life more pleasant and gratifying but they pretermit the fact that positive thinking beautifies the life. If you change the way you look at the world, the world you look at will change and it all starts with your attitude and a positive approach towards life. You just have to make mental adjustments in your mind in order to enrich your life.
Attitude is a frame of your mind. You can frame your mind and control it easily. Negative thoughts will appear, whether you want them or not. If you are surrounded by positive energy, you can accept your negative thoughts of mind and simply thank your mind for giving another perspective to think. Surround your mind with positive ratifications to avoid negative thoughts.
There are people who take themselves beyond the norms of society and create norms for themselves. She was a girl with shining bright eyes, dreaming to fulfill her goals. Just like so many other girls, her dream was to be a dancer, and she was heading towards it with much zeal and dedication. That girl has now become a live example of confidence, positive thinking and optimistic attitude. She is Sudha Chandran, a famous dancer of Bollywood, who recreated the parameters of her life according to herself.  Long time back, sudha met with an accident and lost her right leg. Her dream of being a dancer dimmed in front of her eyes. All her hope has gone and the circumstances that occurred, affected her lifestyle. Nevertheless, she drew strength from the pain and pledged that she would become even stronger. Gradually her confidence started returning. Despite facing severe pain, she continuously practiced and tried her best to overcome the situation. Few months later, she got an artificial leg fixed which turned into a ray of hope for her. Her face brightened thinking she can dance again. But, the phase of struggle was not over and another round of challenge has begun.  When she started dancing with her artificial leg, she faced a lot of difficulties since she reached to the level of perfection. Her leg would often bleed and as the movements of the leg become faster, the pain became more severe. However, her determination did not falter and she was able to control her disappointment. She kept on practicing till she acquired it. Later, she also received Nritya Mayuri Award. All this was just because of her dedication and patience to acquire the goal.
Human mind has the power to control every emotion, overcome every weakness and threat easily. There is absolutely no doubt that mindset makes a difference. A person with positive and optimistic attitude can live a better life. It has been proven in a research study by dr. James Coyne that mindset affects recovery. A positive thinking and a can-do-attitude can make people recover from every major disaster happened. How powerful you positive thinking is depending on how easily you avoid negative thoughts and build a surrounding of positive energy around yourself. Things will fall in a systematic way if you would like them to be. You should find an easy way that gives your mind a greater clarity around situations in your life.

When people recover from illness, against every odd situation, is it because of the “Positive Thinking” that made a difference… today, experts also agree with this…